Using advanced techniques and eco-friendly solutions, we thoroughly clean your siding, brickwork, and other surfaces, eliminating dirt, grime, and unsightly mould or mildew stains. Our gentle methods ensure a deep clean without harming your property's surfaces, enhancing curb appeal, and protecting your home from environmental wear and tear. Experience the difference with our expert house washing services.
Contact UsOur house washing process is a meticulous and thorough procedure designed to deliver exceptional results while safeguarding your property's integrity. Here's an overview of our house washing process:
Our house washing process is tailored to the specific needs of your property, ensuring a safe and effective cleaning that restores your home's beauty and protects its value.
Our services are designed to enhance your property's appearance and longevity. We provide a comprehensive range of services, from power washing to window treatment, all aimed at giving your property a fresh look and protecting it from the elements. Explore our offerings and experience the difference Magnum Exterior Treatment can make for your property.
Revitalise your home's appearance with our thorough house washing service.
Restore surfaces to their pristine condition with our powerful pressure washing.
We'll make your windows sparkle with our expert window cleaning service.
Count on us to keep your gutters clear and fully functional.
Enhance your solar panel efficiency with our expert cleaning.
Our roof treatment service will enhance your roof's longevity and curb appeal.
Our sandstone rejuvenation service restores the natural beauty of your stone surfaces.
Our oxidation removal will bring back the shine to your surfaces.
We provide expert sealing for concrete and paving, safeguarding their durability and appearance.
Revitalise your outdoor oasis with our expert shade sail and shade cloth cleaning service.
House washing frequency can vary depending on factors such as climate, local environmental conditions, and the type of siding or materials used in your home's construction. As a general guideline, it's recommended to consider house washing every 1 to 3 years. However, some situations may call for more frequent cleaning. For example, if you live in an area with high humidity or frequent rainfall, or if your home is surrounded by trees that shed sap or leaves, more frequent cleaning may be necessary to prevent buildup.
By following these maintenance tips and adhering to a regular house washing schedule, you can ensure that your home's exterior remains in excellent condition and retains its curb appeal for years to come.